Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Causes of depression

While we don't know exactly what causes depression, a number of things are
often linked to its development. Depression  usually results from a combination of
recent events or other long term or personal factors, rather than one immediate
issue or event.

life events
Research  suggest that continuing difficulties- long term unemployment, living
in an abusive or uncaring relationship, long term isolation or loneliness, prolonged
work stress- are more likely to cause depression than recent life stresses. However ,
recent events( such as losing job) or a combination of events can  trigger depression
if you are already at risk because of previous bad experiences or personal factors.

personal factors;

> family history- depression can run in families and some people will be at an
increased genetic risk. However , having a parent or close relative with depression
does not mean that you will automatically have the same experience. live
circumstances  and other personal factors are still likely to have an important
> personality- some people may be more address of depression because of their
personality, particularly if they have a tendency to worry  a lot, have a low self
esteem, are perfectionists, are sensitive to personals criticism or our self critical
and negative
> serious medical illness- the stress and worry of copying a serious illness
can lead to depression, especially if you are dealing with long term management
or chronic pain.
> drug and alcohol use- drug and alcohol use can both lead  to and result from
depression. Many people also have drug and alcohol problems. over 5 lac
Australian people experience depression and a substance use disorder at
same time, at some point in there lives.
change in the brain;

  Although there has been a lot of research in this Complex area, there has still
much we don't know. Depression  is not simply the result of a chemical in balance.
For example because you have too much or not enough of a particular brain chemical.
it's complicated, and there are multiple causes of major depression. factors such as
genetic vulnerability, severe life stressors ,substances you may take( medications
drugs and alcohol)And medical conditions can affect the way your brain regulates
your moods .

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